Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Robin Hood?

First, Evan loved the Hamburger Helper.

Second, I have a new job. The stars aligned and I was offered a new position in IBM that I had interviewed for. The situation is ideal: challenging from a career standpoint yet almost entirely work from home. I'm digging in and excited about working with my new team.

Finally, about Robin Hood. Yesterday, at daycare, Kaya (Evan's girlfriend) was taking Justin's pacifier out of his mouth and using it. Observing the scene, Evan took went up to Shelby and took Shelby's pacifier out of his mouth and offered it to Justin. I'm not sure it was exactly justice but it was a valiant attempt. In case you're wondering, Evan does not use a pacifier himself.

Also the other day, I tried again to get Evan interested in his food. So I let him feed me. Funniest thing of all was that he opened his mouth every time I took a bite - just as most parents do when feeding their kids.

Monday, June 4, 2007

This and That

It's been a while since I posted since I've been a bit focused on sorting out my work situation. Let's just say I'm under a lot of pressure at my company to get myself into a work-from-home role since my previous job of traveling consultant is just not compatible. Stay tuned for updates on this front...

So Evan did a couple of cute things yesterday.

First, at breakfast, he showed little interest in the nice bowl of oatmeal I had prepared for him. He kept pointing to the place where the graham crackers are. As I was having oatmeal too, I decided to play up how very good it was - with lots of emphatic "mmmmmmmm"s. Evan eventually concluded that it must be good and proceeded to eat his entire bowl with loud and dramatic "mmmmmmm"s at every bite.

Later, I wanted to take him to the playground (and Home Depot of course). I looked around and could not find his shoes, a fact I muttered out loud. Then, from around the sofa comes Evan triumphantly holding one of the shoes I was looking for. I put it on him and asked him to find the other one. Evan stood in the living room and slowly pivoted on one foot clearly searching for his other shoe. It's amazing what kids already understand at this age.

Today was a watershed moment.... Those of you who know me know that I love to cook and pride myself in making things from scratch. However, the need for convenience has won out: I bought a box of Hamburger Helper.