Monday, March 24, 2008


I got an e-mail today from somebody who pointed out that I had not updated my blog in a month. It was good to know somebody was even checking... Unlike my friend in Denver, who is blogging multiple times a day while in LABOR (seriously!), blogging is pretty much part time for me.

No progress on the potty training, by the way. Evan is just not that interested yet.

Evan can now pedal his tricycle. So, when I walk the dog, Evan follows along in his "big wheel" (least that's what I called it when I was growing up). It's great to look back and see him following along. I want to buy him a nicer tricycle when I get a chance.

We were looking at pictures from my trip to Vietnam the other night. Evan sat in my lap, watching intently. When we got to the picture of me all dressed up for the "G&R" (Giving and Receiving) Ceremony - when Evan was to become mine under Vietnamese Law, Evan said "Da Da" in the most knowing way, turned around, and gave me a big hug. It was as if he knew the significance of that particular picture.

Last weekend was a busy one. Saturday afternoon, Evan and I visited the Vietnamese facilitator from my agency and his wife. They live about an hour away and only the facilitator had met Evan before - 15 months ago in Hanoi. It was fun to introduce/reintroduce Evan and reestablish a connection to these kind people who have dedicated so much energy to helping Vietnamese orphans find homes. I think Evan made a good impression. Here are pictures of Evan with the facilitator...

In Vietnam:
On Saturday:

Sunday was Easter and Evan got to color eggs. My big fears of spilled bowls of dye were not realized and the only casualties were a few eggs that suffered cracks. All in all, Evan did a great job coloring the eggs and he really seemed to enjoy the project

1 comment:

Sarah said...

It's nice to see an new post. Evan is really changing. He is definitely a big boy now. Such a cutie pie. I'm jealous that you got to visit GT and Joanne. What a treat.