Friday, November 30, 2007


I'm backdating this post since, well, I've been remiss in keeping up. For Thanksgiving, we flew to Tampa to visit Opa (my father) and Oma (his wife). Oma and Opa are German for Grandpa and Grandma. Evan also got to see his aunt Katy, who was also there.

The flight over went as well as could be hoped. At nearly 2, Evan's days of being a lap-child are pretty much over. The red-eye flight was full and neither of us was able to get comfortable enough to sleep very well.

Evan adapted to his new surroundings very well, especially since the babyproofing that had been done pretty much ended with dusting off the high chair and setting up the pack-n-play. Despite the large number of delicate porcelain figurines in easy reach, Evan didn't break a thing. Evan has been a bit clingy lately (normal at this age), which made getting comfortable with the family a gradual process.

Evan was an absolute and utter wreck at Thanksgiving dinner, shrieking and wailing when I put him in his high chair. Eventually, he settled down with some quiet time in has crib in the back bedroom, but not before emitting the most mournful series of "Da Da's" yet. In return, Da Da got lukewarm but delicous turkey.

The ten days in Florida passed quickly. We took lots of walks around the neighborhood with the dog, and Evan happily pushed the stroller or walked rather than riding.
Evan helped decorate the Christmas tree with Oma and Opa.
Evan and also got to open some presents, while wearing his Santa suit bought in Hanoi. These presents will be rewrapped and reopened for Christmas in California Here is a picture with Oma, whom Evan met for the first time on this trip. Before posting this picture I showed it to Evan and he immediately pointed and said "Oma!" The trip home was much easier...I had a night flight and an entirely empty row. Evan slept soundly for 3 1/2 hours out of the 5 hour flight.

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