The demands of parenthood and work are keeping me from blogging much at the moment.
Evan had a doctor's appointment last week and checked out fine. He gained a bit of weight and 1 1/2 inches, so he seems to be doing well. However, he has been fighting nagging on-and-off tummy troubles for a few weeks and so I have been varying his diet to see what the trigger is. Lactose is one possible culprit... The doctor does not seem to be alarmed, which is reassuring.
Evan is getting very close to talking. He has used "da da" fairly reliably for some time and he emits "bark" when he hears a dog bark. Just the other day, he seems to have figured out "down" and "up" as well as what seems to be "mine", which he sometimes says when he grabs things. Doctor says 6 words by 18 months is what he looks for, so Evan had better hurry up. Not that I feel any pressure. Really.
Evan also went through a brief period of stamping his foot like a princess when he wanted something. I cannot imagine where he got that...