Laurie maintains an awesome blog that puts mine to shame. Check out her blog post on the adventures of Evan and Jackson in Denver.
Evan's big acquisition in Denver was a pair of "crocs", which are plastic shoes that sell for something like 100 times their production cost but are nevertheless a rage among kids (especially in "granola" states like Colorado). These were a gift from Grandma, and Evan was so cute in the shoe store marching up to the mirror and excitedly evaluating the color of croc he was trying on. He settled on green. Here is a picture of Evan and Grandma on Grandma's balcony:
For the trip home, I did my best to prepare Evan to sleep on the plane home. He got a good nap so as to not be overtired, he got some play time in, and he had a good meal and big cup of milk. My best plans did not play out, though, as the excitement of the trip caught up with him and he squirmed the entire flight - struggling to fall asleep. Thankfully, the adjacent seat was empty and the surrounding passengers friendly. Evan fell asleep within seconds of getting into his car seat on the ride home.