The drive up seemed to be going well. Evan had been pretty ill the week before (I got thrown up on for the first, second, and third times in my life) so he was tired and used the drive to catch up on his sleep. As we backed the car into my aunt's driveway in Calistoga, I heard a gurgle and Evan threw everything he had eaten all day into his lap. Needless to say, it was not exactly the way I wanted to introduce Evan. I think it was just carsickness, thankfully, an not a relapse of the stomach flu.
Here's a picture of my my aunt and uncle with Evan:
The highlight of the trip was the reunion with Peter, who spent 10 months with Evan in the same orphanage and who is a few weeks younger than Evan. Peter's parents and sister had come to California on a visit from Washington, DC. We met at the park in Sonoma and observed carefully to see if the boys would recognize each other. Would they do a secret handshake? Would they talk about their respective parents in Vietnmaese so we could not understand?
Well, I don't think there was any immediate recognition, but there were moments when I caught them staring at each other. Here's a picture of the boys together:
In any case, we had a great time - parents and kids and aunts and uncles and I know the boys can look forward to seeing one another again before long.
The rest of the trip North went quickly and was spent enjoying walks in the vineyards and visiting another Aunt and Uncle for Easter. Here's Evan pushing his stroller during one of the walks: