Saturday, February 10, 2007

Grandma and Auntie

Ok, I admit, I'm writing this post 2 months after it happened but I'm trying to get back into this blog and need to catch you up. My mom (Grandma) and sister (Auntie) visited at the same time and were here to celebrate Evan's birthday. Mom stayed a bit longer and was here to join the Luau.

Of course, they were smitten with Evan.

Here's a picture of my sister and Evan enjoying some man-made snow at a park in West Hollywood:

We also went to the beach for the first time. Evan LOVED playing with the sand, and he only tasted it once. Here he is with Grandma:

By the way, Evan adjusted just fine to whole milk. Did about a 2-week transition, phasing out the formula and all is well. What an easy kid!